Copyright © 2017 by Susan Capes · All Rights reserved · E-Mail:
Loughton County High School for Girls
About Sue
Sue's Blog
My name is Sue Capes but at school I was Susan Costley. I joined LHS in the autumn of 1965 and left in December 1970, while still in Lower Sixth. In the 1970 photo I am number 131.
Since then I've been an insurance clerk, got married, trained and worked as an accountant, got divorced and spent 6 months in New Zealand, finally did my A levels, qualified and worked as an Osteopath, got married again, conducted marriage ceremonies and civil funeral services and finally decided to join my husband in retirement and waste time playing on the PC when I'm not making needle felted animals or 1/148th scale models for our N gauge model railway! I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up - if I ever do -but there's plenty of time yet.
My latest change is a move out of Essex, for the first time in my life. I am now living in Ripon, North Yorkshire.
About Christine
My name is
Christine Spencer.
I was Christine Robinson at school and was at Loughton from September 1970 to the Summer of 1977. My sister Janette was at Loughton from 1967 to 1974.
After School I went to the University of York(1977-1980) reading History.
From 1980 until I got married in 1982 I worked for Epping Forest District Council.
I have lived in the north - Cumbria, then Cheshire - since then.
Like Sue, I have spent a good few years as an accountant but I have now seen the light and am enjoying what interests me rather than working.
I met my husband at York, now live in Cheshire and have one son who has just started his first year at the University of Hull.
I keep in touch with quite a few of my fellow Alphas from my year.
Older Blog Links
Sunday January 1st 2017
Happy New Year to one and all.
I hope it brings everything you would wish and hope for.
For myself, I hope that I can spend a bit more time adding to the website. I am likely to be attempting to change the web hosts at the renewal date in August and am looking into my options. The current company have been OK but they are putting up their prices a lot and being US based, the exchange rate has hit the cost too. I am inexperienced in this sort of thing so if the site disappears in August please bear with me. The domain name is registered to me so that will stay the same when I move but the process seems quite involved so I have very little idea of what I am doing. Plus ça change, ......!
Friday January 13th 2017
Earlier this month I heard that Miss Lois Loynes, who took over as head of music when Miss James retired, had passed away peacefully, on Boxing Day, at her care home in Woodford. She was buried at a private ceremony in the morning and in the afternoon a Service of Thanksgiving was held at the Church she attended regularly. I went, along with 4 other LHS OGs and one or two OGs from her previous school - Walthamstow High School. There is a brief account here
Monday February 20th 2017
It's a very quiet time at the moment - no emails and no activity on the facebook page. I think everyone's hibernating! I have uploaded Christine's Lower 6th timetables plus a list of relevant teachers. Many names are still missing though - can you fill in any gaps?
Tuesday 11th April 2017
Please accept my apologies for the lack of activity on the website. At the moment I have a lot going on and the school stuff is having to take a back seat. I hope that I can get back to updating it soon. Christine has sent a few photos which will need my attention before posting though I have added some to the School Day page already. Back asap.
4th July 2017
Still problems on the domestic front - the website is low priority for me at the moment, sorry everyone. However it is due for renewal (hosting and domain reg) and I want to move it from the USA to UK. It's not something I know how to do and I think it will have to disappear for a while but all the files are safe on my computer (and backed up to external hard drive) so if it does disappear, it will be back once admin has been sorted.
19th July 2017
I have managed to get most of the website set up on the new hosting service but I haven't got all the pages uploaded yet so many are showing File Not Found.
I tried to upload the website in its entirety in one hit and the server obviously didn't like that and missed out huge chunks and lots of photos. Unfortunately this means that I need to upload every page and sub-page individually, at between 5 and 15 minutes per page. I can't spend that much time at the computer doing nothing else (it slows everything down while uploading) so it's going to take time getting everything back online. However, our email addresses are available again
28th August 2017
Hopefully the website is working properly again. If you find any errors or broken links, please email me.
I recently received a copy of the 1927 panorama from Penny Worms whose Grandmother attended LHS. If you can identify any other teachers (or pupils) please email me - I'm sure I should be able to do better than I have!
This panorama won't yet show on every page menu - I have to re-upload every single page to correct that. Another time.
1st September 2017
1st September? Where is the year going?
I have finally finished updating all the little bits and bobs that have been lurking in my 'to do' folder. A new layout for the Home page; some photos added to School Day, Music, Christmas and teacher groups (duplicated on the Home page) and the 100 year reunion newspaper clipping added to Reunions. I'm sure there's more I've missed but they'll turn up and be posted eventually. Do have a look at the new 1927 panorama (see entry below) and the early teachers groups. The clothes are a little piece of history in themselves.
11th December 2017
Merry Christmas Everyone.
This has not been a good year (Rocky - like my little penguin friend above!) and I've found it difficult to think about the poor old website which has been sadly neglected. I do have a few more little bits and pieces to add - hopefully in the New Year but I wanted to wish everyone happiness for the festive season, however you plan to spend it.
1st January 2018
Wishing you all a very
Happy New Year.
You never know, I might get time to update the website this year!
17th January 2018
Happy 112th Birthday Loughton High
19th February 2018
I recently was very fortunate to receive some memorabilia from the daughter, Carolyn, of Patricia (Pat) Wilkins who was at LHS in the late 20s/early 30s. You'll find some of her textbooks here. LHS had its own Girl Guide Company in those days and Pat was very involved in Guiding, becoming Lieutenant. Her badges are here along with photos from Guide camps and including photos of Miss Cowmeadow (who became Guide Commissioner) and Miss Silvester. Pat was a keen sportwoman too and you'll find some information about her on the Sports page.
Jill Barklem, of Brambly Hedge fame, was another LHS pupil and her info is here. Sadly Jill died last November at the age of 66. A newspaper cutting is at that link too.
1st March 2018
Mrs Dyson was a very popular teacher of mathematics. I have been in touch with her daughter, Sue, a former pupil of LHS, who informed me that her mother died in 2012 aged 87. She very kindly supplied me with the family's funeral tribute which I have reproduced in its entirety here. You will read what a remarkably full life Mrs Dyson led. There is a small entry on the Teachers page too but most of the information is contained within the tribute.
Sue merits an entry on the Pupils page due to her impressive achievements in the field of Equine Orthopaedics
29th August 2018
The 1961 to 1968 year group held a reunion to celebrate 50 years since they left LHS. They have produced a superb video of the day. You can view it on Youtube or on the reunions page
I am spending a lot of time away from home renovating a property so am still not devoting as much time as I would like to school matters but the facebook page shows flurries of activity. There is currently a discussion about changes in uniform during the 50s, 60s and 70s - hats or berets? Ties or collars?
I like to look through the panorama photos to see changes over the years.
3rd December 2018
Wishing you all a very
Happy Christmas.
Why not go to the Christmas page and sing along to Past Three o'Clock for old times' sake? I'm going to - frequently!
13th February 2019
I am sorry to have to report that Christine Manning, the last Head Teacher of LCHS, died on Monday, 11th Feb. Her friend, and fellow teacher, Alison Clewlow, has written a lovely tribute to her which you can find here
4th March 2020
Finally moved in to my new home in North Yorkshire yesterday. What a change for a lifetime Essex girl! Broadband is up and running and the freshly uploaded website seems to be working properly again. Thank you for being patient. Once I've unpacked everything and got myself settled and organised I will start to update the pages with things I've been sent over the last year.
30th December 2020
What a dreadful year this has been. I hope you and your families have stayed safe from Covid. It has given me plenty of time to start organising my new home but minimal access to tradespeople to get the required major works done so I'm hoping that 2021 and the vaccines will eventually free things up. It has forced me to try my hand at DIY projects I wouldn't normally tackle which can't be a bad thing!
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Over three years since I posted on here! Life has changed a lot and so have my priorities.
I'm sorry to inform you that unless someone is willing to take over the website entirely I will be closing it down in July 2024.
If anyone feels able to do this, please email me. All the information will still be saved on my home computer after the site closes, though I will delete my database of email contact addresses completely for the sake of security.
10th March 2024
20th December 2024
Well I got the dates wrong about when my hosting service ended but it is due to end in February 2025.
Thanks to information received from a former pupil who worked at the Essex Records Office, I heard that they were trialling archiving relevant websites so I contacted them, and they have kindly agreed to archive this site. After all the work it involved gathering information and putting it all together, and Christine's many months of research, if would have been a shame for the information to be lost
Merry Christmas Everyone and a very Happy 2025